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Have you ever wondered how people in isolated locations live today?

Writer's picture: Bambú MagazineBambú Magazine

By Nicole Weber

Do they have education? What do they do when someone gets sick? Aurelio Loseo, works with Youth With A Mission to help people in these islands in the Philippines.

Youth With a Mission (YWAM) is a non-profit organisation that’s present in over 180 countries, with more than 15 thousand volunteers. Every year they aim to train and send 25,000 mission volunteers around the globe, according to Melissa Ansaldo, a representative of the organisation.

YWAM Ships, which is spearheaded by Aurelio “Rheo” Loseo aims to reach the most inaccessible areas in the Philippines. “Islands that have no air strips for landing and are so remote, the only way to get to these people is through ships” says Ansaldo. They bring with them medical, dental, and primary healthcare personnel, who bring free medical services to those communities.

Image: Aurelio Loseo

Passion is what keeps his mission going.“Being able to provide basic services to the marginalized sectors of our nation & globally,” is what drives Loseo.

YWAM is an important organisation as “In the Philippines, we have 7,100 islands. 2,000 of which is inhabited but only 500 islands have access to medical care,” says Loseo.This year, Loseo is excited to start working in the ship, “I am looking forward to being on the ground, in communities, to see people receive basic healthcare, provide them with clean water, basic training on preventive care & acquire basic skills on livelihood.”


But how did this all start for Loseo?

He got involved with Youth With a Mission back in 1981. “I was young and grew up in a dysfunctional home and without a purpose in life,” he said. Then a neighbor of his who happened to be a YWM member from New Zealand accepted and valued him as a person. The love and care given to him impacted his life so strongly that he decided to join YWAM.

After being influenced by others, he is inspiring the youth of today. Seiah Yu, was inspired by Loseo and what he has done, “I have long been searching for an outlet to volunteer and serve and my country and people. At the same time, I have an explorer’s soul. When Rheo Loseo saw the awe in my face, I was sure he knew that my heart longed to join this cause” she said.

Keeping the cycling going, and inspiring others will always be a great feeling. The most rewarding thing for Loseo is “seeing other individuals receive the same hope the changed my own life and give them the meaning and purpose to exist. In return they are also giving that hope back onto others by demonstrating the practical ways we can show love through our actions.”



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